Does My Employer Have to Accommodate My Restrictions?

Does My Employer Have to Accommodate My Restrictions?

Your employer must accommodate your temporary or permanent restrictions if they can reasonably do so. Your employer is not required to “make work” for you if none is available. If they do not bring you back to work and you are in the healing period before all your treatment has ended, you are entitled to temporary wage loss benefits. If they do not bring you back to work after you have reached the end of healing and you have permanent restrictions, you may be entitled to more than just the permanent partial disability (PPD) benefits your doctor assigns. You may be entitled to retraining (education) or loss of earning capacity benefits.

If your permanent restrictions cause a wage loss, even if you have returned to work at your employer where you were injured, you may be entitled to retraining (education) or loss of earning capacity benefits. Your employer cannot retaliate against you for claiming these worker’s compensation benefits.  Contact us for a better understanding of the benefits that are available to you to minimize the impact of a job-related injury.