Unfortunately, there are few other sources of income available to injured workers whose claims have been denied. You can attempt to obtain another job within your temporary restrictions if your employer does not bring you back to work, but doing so would reduce the worker’s comp benefits that can be claimed. Otherwise, you may have to make do with support from friends and family. You should contact us right away for representation in your case and further advice.
In some situations, people ask about getting on disability, SSDI, or early retirement due to the work injury. You can claim SSDI and still get worker’s comp benefits at the same time, but receipt of SSDI may reduce some of the benefits in the worker’s comp case. You can claim Social Security retirement benefits and still claim worker’s comp benefits without any offset. If you have long term disability insurance, disability pension through the State, or other disability benefits available to you, those can also be claimed at the same time as worker’s comp benefits, but again there can be reductions in the value of the worker’s comp benefits and also repayment clauses in contracts to consider. Contact us for advice on how all of these disability and retirement benefits interact with worker’s comp benefits.
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